Friday, November 21, 2008

Playing with JJ Liu

Today was a fun day at the tables. They started a new $2-5 NL table at the Venetian and we headed back to the same place I spent 14 hours yesterday. I grabbed the same seat and settled in for the long haul. The table filled up rather rapidly and I recognized a couple of the players from the past couple of days. The seat to my immediate right was reserved for someone that was coming and about 30 minutes later JJ Liu came and sat down. She was runner up to Ted Forrest in the 2007 Bay 101 Shooting Stars World Poker Tour event for a cool $600,000. She has career winnings of over $1.7 million. So sick. Well I played with her for nearly 10 hours tonight and actually got to know her quite well. Very Very nice lady to say the least. She took a couple rough beats but is a very tough player. I was happy to be on her left the whole night.

The second hand I played I had two red kings in middle position. A lady in front of me raised to $25 and I reraised her $75. She called. We saw a 10 high flop with two spades and I bet out $120. She called. The turn was another spade, she checked and I had to protect my hand. She only bought in for $500 and only had $300 left after the flop bet. I bet $700 and after thinking about it for .2 sec she called with QhQs. Boom a sapde on the river and she wins a $800 pot. Disgusting way to start the night. I was a little pissed so I went on a quick restroom break and dropped a $100 into a slot machine on the way back. Yet another wasted $100 away from poker. lol. I am still up about $700 or so in the pit due the craps table a few days ago though. I am up on craps, down on slots and roulette. Not a dime on Blackjack yet but that is sure to change the next two days with some friends coming into town.

I had a great time tonight and called it a night kind of early at 2:30am and finished up $1,072. No complaints... just made a couple of crucial errors that cost me about $1,000 total over the night. If I can cut out those types of mistakes then I can start making some real amounts of cash.

Maybe a tourney tomorrow, we'll see what Eddy wants to do. Time for some sleep


Unknown said...

Asians are good people.

WesD said...

Only because she's not Jewish