I have been on hiatus from both the blog and the online poker world for a little while. I started playing a little more after New Years. Not a lot of great results. In addition to getting serious about getting in shape I have also began to focus a little more on poker when I get the chance to play it. I KNOW I have what it takes to make some money in this game but have never had any luck online. I have played great in live cash games and tournaments but online I have struggled. Hopefully things are changing! Yesterday made my first final table of 2010 at the $22 6-Max and finished 5th for $555. I was a little disappointed but should know by now that K6 suited always loses to K4 offsuit when it really matters (Dreaded 4 on the River). LOL oh well felt good to outlast 495 of them I guess. Well later today I saw that David "TheMaven" Chicotsky posted that his student, Orel Hershiser, took down last nights $22 Big Ante tourney. Well that was motivation to give it a try tonight and I made my second final table in less than 24 hours. The big difference was this time I was able to outlast the entire field for my first ever online win. I have certainly had bigger cashes but this was the first time I have ever "Closed the Deal". Hears to many many many more of them this year.
I will try and get a "Life" blog out when I get the chance. A LOT has happened since my last posts before Key West in April of 2009. Wow a long time. Till then...