Well I finally made it back to Key West on the first of April. We ended up being drunk late into the second of April as it turns out. Turns out the entire month of April was much of the same once the entire squadron made it down to the keys. We were scheduled to complete 144 sorties over the following 18 days but we only ended up getting about 70 max I think. I was only scheduled to fly like two times but ended up getting to fly six times. All six times I took a young
wingman up to West Palm beach down through Miami where we jumped on the IR 053. The 053 is a low level route where we get to drop down to 500 feet and 500 mph and fly the length of the Florida Keys. Each and every time it got more and more fun as we got to buzz over fleets of fishing boats. I have always wondered what it looks like from their perspective. I imagine most of them are used to it and it is no longer cool to them. Here is a look at the shallow, clear water of the keys from above.

Most of the jets ended up leaving around the 22
nd of April except for 2 that were having major maintenance done on them. I was picked to stay behind and bring one of them back as well as our
XO, Maj
Tre "
DelPizzo. At this point the last thing I needed was another week down there but I knew there would be a couple more fun times to be had. I really wish I was able to recap some of the more fun moments from the trip but those who know me know that I black out after about 3 drinks. Key West was no different. This picture defined our trip to Key West that is for sure!

Well it was finally time to get out of FL. One of jets were ready to be flown to make sure it was good to fly back to AZ. I took the jet up to Tampa and across to Miami and back to Key West and it performed as planned.
Cheez took the other jet up and it was ready to take back as well. We left on the 29
th after a solid 35 days in Key West and I could feel my liver rejoicing as I left the ground. I think my
Iphone was as well after I lost the first one on April 5
th and had to fork over another $500 for a new one. (Thank God
ITunes saves all of your contacts!) We flew one leg and decided to stop in Pensacola for the night. When I was a student in flight school there was a place called The Fish House downtown that was an
ok place for dinner but not much nightlife. Turns out this is now an amazing place. Wednesday night at The Fish House will be a night I hope to experience many more times.
We left the next morning and planned to make a stop in Midland, TX for gas and lunch and then we would finish the trip to Yuma. After a quick trip to TX we ate some lunch and were getting ready to make the final leg. About 8 minutes after takeoff I realized I proved once again I was an absolute idiot! I left my
Iphone (Less than 25 days old) on the fuel tank of the jet when I took off. Though this was not the first time I had lost a phone (obviously) it was the first time I had lost a phone completely sober. Turns out I
dont need a drop of alcohol in my system to be a complete moron. My phone was found 4 days later. At least half of the screen was on the runways anyways. Apple will officially never go out of business as long as I own an
Well we made it back to Yuma at last and I couldn't wait to finally sleep in my own bed. I got home, took a shower, and laid down on the couch to catch up on TV. WAIT.... remember I am a complete moron. I never paid my cable bill while I was in Key West so my cable was turned off. Yes this means
internet as well! So here I am laying on my couch with NO phone, NO cable, NO
internet... I thought to myself this is a good chance to get caught up on my
prereq reading for Expeditionary Warfare School. I grabbed the book Landscape Turned Red about the Battle of Antietam and turned to page I. Wait a second no page one? I haven't read a book in like... maybe 3rd grade. What is with page I, II, III... to damn
XIVX or some shit??? Apparently at some point since
gradeschool it became important to write a 600 page preface to the book thanking everyone from your Grandma to your pet toad. Needless to say I never even made it to the "actual" page 1. I only made it to like XII before I passed out on the couch. I woke up about 9 hours later at 4am and was able to get 30 min of sleep in my bed before going to the rifle range. Yes I am a Marine Captain going back to the rifle range so I can get one last Expert Rifle Award for my uniform. I would have to wait until Friday night before I would get to sleep in my bed finally.
I spent the next week of work with 3am alarm clocks so that I could be at the armory by 4am everyday to draw my weapon. The idea of trying for a 4
th Expert Award seemed worse and worse everyday. At least now I had yet another
Iphone and cable coming once again. Amazing how relaxing that
weekend was though without any modern technology whatsoever
except for running with my
IPod. It was a ridiculously long week but worth it in the end as I secured my final Expert Rifleman award of my career.

On May 6
th I received an email from
Pokerstars that I will talk about in my next blog. This one has been ridiculous enough as it is. I guess that happens when you wait two months in between posts.
Now I am sitting in Raleigh visiting two old
roomies from college, Greg and Lindsay. Tomorrow I will be heading up to DC to start the search for a place to stay for the next year while I attend school in
Quantico and party it up at Jon
Schaafsma's wedding in VA on
Saturday. I only have about 3 more weeks left in Yuma when I get back and prob about 1 or 2 more flights left as well. It has been a great time but I am
SOOOO ready to get out of Yuma.